Useful Links

TD Ameritrade Institutional Services – For those clients who have requested online access to their brokerage accounts at TD Ameritrade, click here to go to TD Ameritrade’s login screen. If you do not currently have online access to your account and would like access, give us a call or contact us by email. – Once every 12 months, you can obtain a free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit reporting companies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. I strongly recommend that you take advantage of this opportunity by going to You can also call them at 1-877-322-8228.

Living to 100 Life Expectancy Calculator – The biggest concern for new retirees and those approaching retirement is the possibility of outliving your assets. Improved access to medical care has extended the expected lifespan of Americans by years. The question is whether those years are healthy, vigorous years. The Living to 100 Life Expectancy Calculator provides an estimate of longetivity based on current health and lifestyle habits along with suggesting changes that may be incorporated to make those later years more enjoyable. We can also fold your estimated lifespan number into retirement projections to provide a more realistic dimension and help bolster against outliving your assets.

Majestic Oak Financial’s Quarterly Investment Letter

To review back issues of the Investment Letter that accompanies your Quarterly Investment Report, click on the links below:

1st Quarter 2022 – Do Stock Splits Matter?

4th Quarter 2021 – 2022 Tax Changes
3rd Quarter 2021 – Being the Surviving Spouse
2nd Quarter 2021 – What’s Going on With Inflation?

Links to other internet sites are included as a convenience for users. Majestic Oak Financial assumes no liability for the content or presentation of linked sites. No warranty or representation is provided for any information or software that may be downloaded from this website.

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